Threat Intelligence Service (TIS)

Companies, non-governmental organizations, and even governments are faced with increased risks when operating overseas and the complexity of understanding the potential threats to their reputation, assets and especially their employees who may be impacted by conflict, threats, extortion, injury, terrorism, and political unrest. Analyzing, interpreting and finding treats from the vast amount of data out there is really not within the vast majority of the organization’s ability or resources. Your organization owes your employees a duty of care but is highly unlikely that it will have the talent, resources, and capabilities that are required. Through our association with Special Contingency Risks (SCR), TFG Global can assist you in this endeavor. We are able to draw upon the services of our associates at SCR and allow clients to access their Threat Intelligence Service (TIS).

TIS is a 24/7 monitoring and intelligence sharing service delivered by their in-house analysts and security professionals – many of which have military, intelligence, security training, and backgrounds. This information can give your executives the inhouse security teams the knowledge and triangulation sources while delivering threat intel to your company on a 24/7 basis. This can help your organization protect its employees and assets around the world while SRC processes, distills and analyses the information into actionable intelligence that is important in today’s global risk environment and provides a competitive advantage.

Key features For Special Risk Clients

24/7 incident reporting

Utilizing a range of subscription and open source information and intelligence feeds, including social media, SRC’s in-house analysts monitor your pre-designated regions and countries 24/7. In the event of a security or geopolitical related incident, the team produces and supplies detailed reports covering the following.

  • Political unrest
  • Civil unrest
  • Security
  • Terrorism
  • Military activity
  • Airspace warnings

Also included within are the date, time and location of the incident, key details, triangulated sources and analysis and where applicable, mapping for the occurrence. Clients will also receive detailed insight and intelligence packs providing risk assessments against a number of set factors and commentary on the geo-political security landscape.

Please contact us to learn more and of course discuss the cost of this service.