David Tompkins Interview on Health Insurance for Expatriates

David Tompkins of TFG Global was interviewed in November 2020 by Louise Wiles of ThrivingAbroad.com on international health insurance coverage for expatriates around the globe.

Listen to the podcast:

Feel free to enjoy this informative interview on global health insurance coverage for expatriates – both individual and group benefits. The full transcript is also available.
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Bankrate.com Interview

David Tompkins, President of TFG Global, was recently interviewed by Bankrate.com for the article “Insurance for aid workers in harms way” on September 25, 2014. Bankrate, Inc. is a consumer financial services company based in North Palm Beach, Florida, in the United States. Bankrate.com, perhaps its best known brand, is a personal finance website.

Isreal National New Radio Interview

David Tompkins was recently interviewed by Douglas Goldstein on his Isreal National New radio that is broadcast on Arutz Sheva. The widely listened to show “Goldstein on Gelt”  was broadcast on July 16th, 2012. Listen to the interview on expatriate insurance issues by clicking here.

Speaking at Aid & International Development Forum

Speaking at Aid & International Development Forum – David Tompkins presented at the conference in Washington, D.C. on July 23rd on the “Insurance Challenges for International Aid Organizations”

Article in San Felipe Magazine

International Health Insurance for Expatriates in Mexico – Article in San Felipe Magazine – August 2007 Issue.

TFG Global at THIA of Canada Convention

David Tompkins spoke on special risks insurance, travel insurance and special risks coverage at Travel Health Insurance Association (THIA) of Canada convention in Phoenix, Arizona on April 13th, 2007.

TFG Global at Advocis Toronto meeting

David Tompkins, present of TFG Global Insurance Solutions Ltd., spoke on international health insurance and special risks insurance at Advocis Toronto meeting on September 21st, 2006

TFG at Advocis Toronto Meeting

International Insurance Market – David Tompkins spoke on international insurance issues at Advocis Toronto meeting on September 21, 2006.

TFG Global in Asia-Pacific Development Review

“Weighing up risks” – Asia-Pacific Development Review. 2005. Issue 2.1. David Tompkins and TFG Global were featured in this interesting article on special risks insurance.